Rabbits Puzzle Sheets
Rabbits make a very cute pet. We have some great rabbit themed activities including colouring pages, puzzle sheets and lots more.
Did you know that a female rabbit is called a doe and a male one a buck? Our great rabbit word search has lots of animal related words hidden within it for you to find.
Can you match the correct bunny rabbit to its shadow by drawing a line between them? Great for improving observation and pencil control skills.
Spring Rabbit Colour Spot The Difference
There are 5 differences to spot in this great colour bunny rabbit spot the difference puzzle. Why not challenge a friend and see who can spot them all first?
Spring Rabbit Spot The Difference
We have a cute rabbit on a bike spot the difference puzzle to celebrate Spring. There are 5 differences to find, how quick can you find them all?
Build a bunny rabbit by cutting out the bunny parts and sticking them together to match the picture. Great for improving scissor skills.